OEM Solutions
Southpac is the leading supplier of software for cordless mice and PC remote controls. We work with OEM's to produce mouse, tablet, pen, and whiteboard software for Windows™ and other environments. Our customers include the largest manufacturers of cordless mice and remote controls, major manufacturers of whiteboards and leading projector manufacturers. Hundreds of thousands of users worldwide rely on our presentation tools and special effects software. If you use a cordless mouse or PC remote control, there's a good chance that you're using one of our products.
Southpac has unparalleled expertise in remote control interface technology. Our customers benefit from the following:
- Our in-depth knowledge of remote control technology;
- Our leading presentation tools, special effects, automation and remote control interface software;
- Our extensive compatibility testing.
Our software is highly reliable and has been designed for rapid and low cost customisation. Any problems are resolved immediately.
Southpac was one of the first manufacturers of PC remote controls and is now committed to licensing our software and expertise to OEM's.